December 5, 2021 DEV.FXTradium How to become an IB form Your Full Name Your Phone number Your Email address Your Estimated Target Audience Your estimated monthly trading volume for your clients in USD Your estimated monthly Net deposit for your clients Your marketing plans strategies Your marketing channel Terms & Conditions 1- In order to remain as an IB, you should have at least 10 active clients with a total trading volume of 10000000 USD.2- You are not permitted to trade on your own behalf, and you are the only one who receives the commissions from your active customers. Attempts to trade under your account as a result of the brokerage's auto referral restrictions are strictly banned, and your account will be suspended or terminated as a result.3- In the event that you do not satisfy the requirements during the probation period, your Introducing broker status will be terminated and your account might be closed.4- The deactivation of your IB status will occur if you do not achieve the minimum requirements listed above if it exceeded more than 90 days.5- If you engage in any manipulation or make any promises to customers without first obtaining prior clearance from the broker, your Introducing broker status will be terminated.6- You will be receiving a cashback reward on a monthly basis.7- The FXTradium broker has the right to alter the T&C of Partner Rewards payments at any time and without previous notice. SUBMIT