A Trusted Trading Platform to The Global Market

How to Install the Platform on Linux

Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. Linux systems are widely used in smartphones and server hardware. Many home PC users prefer it to MS Windows series.

One of the Linux features is the absence of a unified distribution kit. Different groups of developers work simultaneously on several Linux versions including Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Gentoo, etc. In this article we will consider one of the most popular distribution kits – Ubuntu.

The trading platform can be installed and used on computers that run Ubuntu using Wine. Wine is a free and open source software application that aims to allow applications designed for Microsoft Windows to run on Unix-like operating systems. One of the Wine versions is designed for Ubuntu.

All applications under Ubuntu are installed from the packages contained in repositories. In the latest versions of Ubuntu, the required Wine installation repository is already available in the system without additional settings. Therefore, to install Wine, you only need to execute one command on the command line (called “Terminal” in Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install wine-stable

sudo apt-get install wine-development

wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/Release.key
sudo apt-key add Release.key
sudo apt-add-repository https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install –install-recommends winehq-stable