This is to bring to your kind attention that the last trading day of
- Nasdaq 100 Mini March Future (NQ.H22)
- Dow Jones Mini March Future (YM.H22)
- DAX Mini March Future (AX.H22)
- S&P 500 Mini March Future (ES.H22)
- Will be on 15th March 2022.
A new future contract of
- Nasdaq 100 Mini June Future (NQ.M22)
- Dow Jones Mini June Future (YM. M22)
- DAX Mini March June (AX.M22)
- S&P 500 Mini June Future (ES.M22)
are available for trading as of Thursday i.e 10th March 2022
***For additional help or information feel free to get in touch with your Account Manager or FXTradium support team. We would be happy to assist you.